I sold all my maternity clothes.
Now for my dear friends who are still longing and anticipating more little ones in their homes, do not take this post the wrong way. And Mom, I know you think that as soon as I get rid of these clothes something will happen, but I am SO glad to get rid of those clothes.
I actually really liked being pregnant. There was instant attention and affection doled out wherever you went. I felt good, ate well, and, for the most part, slept like a log. I eagerly anticipated wearing maternity clothes to signal to all those who were wondering that "YES! I am pregnant!" It brought out stories from loved ones to strangers that told of each maladventure that afflicted them to sweet moments of first kicks to the pains of labor.
But now I'm glad to know that we're done. Our Party is complete with the three blessings that run our halls and hearts. A friend once told me that she knew she was done when she held someone else's baby and her uter.us didn't cry out for more. I can totally understand. It won't keep me from holding and swaying with those little ones; but, I know we're done.
It was odd as I sat and priced the various clothes items to send to the resale. Different pieces held different memories. Some I remember wearing and thinking, "I'll only be able to wear this a few times, whew, it's tight," or "Oh my goodness, I look like I'm wearing a tent." I remember what I wore to the baby shower my church threw for us as we anticipated Josh's arrival. I remembered buying items when I was pregnant with Owen, even through I knew this was the only pregnancy I'd wear them for. There were even a few that I wished I had in "regular" clothes. I could see how the styles had changed in the 7+ years between all the pregnancies...from big prints and big shirts to solids and skin tight.
I hope that someone finds good use for these gems. I sent them to Josh's school resale and I have yet to hear how much actually sold or how much was left over and donated to the official resale store. Either way I suppose they will all go to someone who needs them.
As with any milestone I seem to always hear a line from Mary Pop.pins go through my head. It's right before they jump into the sidewalk chalk drawings of that goofy Bert fellow.
"Now hold hands and ...JUMP!"
I guess with this milestone I have plenty of hands to hold already.