Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Morning Musing

(After so many noisy storms, our kids are just tired of them now.)

One by one this morning they came,
Trembling chins from the thundering rain.

"Come on in, and snuggle tight,
Everything will be all right."

The noises that made you wake so fast,
Will move on through...they won't last.

A snuggle turned into giggles,
Giggles into wiggles.

And although the storm continue to roar,
We all felt better and didn't think of it anymore.


It's amazing how a mother's look, smile, kiss or touch,
Can change a child's perspective so much.


Beth said...

That sounds so cute. Why is it when mine come in my bed, it just makes me crabby? :) Also, mine don't often come in. Jacob this morning woke up at 6 with the storm and just stayed in bed until 7! Not that it's bad, but mine don't get scared of storms! Glad you got some great snuggle time this morning!

Sittintall said...

I love it Kris! You are such a good writer. Now, let's hope that the storms stay a distance for awhile.