Monday, August 04, 2008

A tough lesson for everyone

Today in the car, Josh told me that he had prayed to God last night that he would not have a bad dream. But he did. I mentioned that not all our prayer request are always answered in the way we hope.

He told me, "But I said, please."

My mind raced for a way to explain this tough lesson on prayer. I could hear the sadness in his voice as he explained his polite, but unanswered prayer.

We began to talk about how sometimes God does not answer our prayers in the way we think, because He has another plan. Maybe a lesson is to be learned, patience or perseverance is to be taught. Sometimes He has an even better idea about how events in our lives should happen. Maybe we might not even know why a prayer goes unanswered until more time has passed, when we look back and say, "Ooooh." And sometimes, there is no clear reason.

I began to listen to myself. I wasn't too sure the kids were still listening, but I began to hear what I had been saying. For myself.

Every school year start I worry. I worry about new schedules (grade school and preschool this year!), a new school, a bus ride for Josh, adjusting to getting up earlier, making lunches, and just the natural busyness that happens with going back to teaching myself.

I just unloaded all these worries to the Hubs last night. He listened, reassured and said that we should pray about it all (I love this man).

So with my own worries still flying around in my head, I realized my mini-sermon was oh-so-applicable to my own life. Right then, I prayed. Again. It was more simple and with less pleading than the ones I had been praying...

"Dear Lord, Thy will be done."

He knows my heart and my worries. He has a plan. Now, my job is to rest in that knowledge and find peace in whatever His plan is for our new school year.

In the end, Josh seemed content with what I had to say. Our discussion was quickly interrupted by flying books (Owen) and discarded shoes (Ellie). And when I thought about it, I was grateful to see that I may be the recipient of those "teachable moments" I so look forward to having with my kids as they grow in their knowledge of our Savior, too.


Sittintall said...

Yet another reason why kids seem to teach us so much more, than we would learn on our own.

I'll be praying for you to sista!

Jenni S. said...

I am thankful that you posted this. I, too, needed this reminder.

On a side note, doesn't it feel like such a privelege to share Christ with our kids. Ruthie has been asking LOTS of questions lately and I feel so honored to share with her.