Friday, March 28, 2008


It was a different kind of Easter.

But not for my Hubs' family.

You see, they used to visit each other over Easter. The Hubs' family would make the same trip we did down south to warmer weather and sunnier skies, to celebrate the day that makes our faith so powerful. So many of the stories of previous visits were shared, and many of them were around the Easter holiday.

We had heard that Grandpa Leon was not doing well, but he held on until the Tuesday before Easter. My mother-in-law had been to our house watching our kids for the day. We tentatively made Easter dinner plans, knowing they could easily be changed with news of Grandpa. So that night as we heard what had happened, we knew we would be there for Easter.

I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to see the connection here.

Maybe just a believer.

1 comment:

Emily Dykstra said...

What special traditions your family has... and will still have!